Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $75
Doughmain: http://www.EtiquetteBlogger.com
idding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
For a first-class look at Etiquette, check out: Etiquettegrrls.com
Etiquette, also known as decorum, is the code that governs the expectations of social behavior, the conventional norm. It is an unwritten code, but it may evolve from or into a written code. The Greek equivalent of etiquette was protokollon, protocol, the written formula for ceremonial. It usually reflects a theory of conduct that society or tradition has invested heavily in. Like "culture", it is a word that has gradually grown plural, especially in a multi-ethnic society with many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to "an etiquette" or "a culture", realizing that these may not be universal.
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