Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $200
Doughmain: http://www.BlogRumor.com
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price.Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
A rumor (Commonwealth English: rumour) is a piece of purportedly true information that circulates without substantiating evidence. The information content/payload of rumors can range from simple gossip to advanced propaganda techniques.
Classically, rumors spread form person to person by word of mouth, as in gossip. Cheap postage rates and then telephone services fomented the pace and range of the swirling of rumors. With the advent of the Internet many rumors have started to spread via email and more recently through blogging, as also occurs with various hoaxes and urban legends.
Rumors in plays are also a popular means of introducing a play, often called an Induction. In Henry IV, Part 2, one of Shakespeare's histories, rumor is used to twist and complicate the plot, to narrate in a way that does not have to state truth nor fact within the play, but lie and concoct the characters' whereabouts and their actions.
Poets have personified rumor as an abstract, demi-god-like figure, Rumor, since at least Roman times. "She" is the source of endless trouble in Virgil's Aeneid.
Rumors is also a song written by and performed by singer/actress Lindsay Lohan, who has spent the better part of 5 years denying rumors and became fed up with them so released this song which became a top hit for 2004 Pop music.
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