Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $100
Doughmain: http://www.blogpokerroom.com
Poker is a card game, the most popular of a class of games called vying games, in which players with fully or partially concealed cards make wagers into a central pot, which is awarded to the player or players with the best combination of cards or to the player who makes an uncalled bet. Poker can also refer to video poker which is a single player game seen in casinos much like a slot machine, or to other games that use poker hand rankings.[edit]Game playWhile the game of poker is played in hundreds of variations, most follow the same basic pattern of play.The right to deal each hand typically rotates among the players and is marked by a token called a "buck" or "button".
In a casino a house dealer handles the cards for each hand, but a button (typically a white plastic disk) is rotated among the players to indicate a nominal dealer to determine the order of betting.For each hand, one or more players are required to make forced bets to create an initial stake for which the players will contest. The dealer shuffles the cards, he or another player cuts, and the appropriate number of cards are dealt to the players one at a time. After this initial deal, the first of what may be several betting rounds begins. Between rounds, the players' hands develop in some way, often by being dealt additional cards or replacing cards previously dealt. At the end of each round, all bets are gathered into the central pot.
More details can be found in the article on betting.At any time during the first or subsequent betting rounds, if any player makes a bet, all other players are required to match it or to surrender their cards and forfeit their interest in the pot. If one player bets and no other player chooses to match the bet, the deal ends immediately, the bettor is awarded the pot, no cards are shown, and the next deal begins. This is what makes bluffing possible, and is a primary feature of the game that distinguishes it from other vying games and from other games that make use of poker hand rankings.At the end of the last betting round, if more than one player remains, there is a showdown in which the players reveal their previously hidden cards and evaluate their hands. The player with the best hand according to the poker variant being played wins the pot.Details about the order of play and hand rankings for the most common variants can be found in the articles on betting, hand rankings, and poker variants.
Most popular poker variants can be loosely classified as draw poker, stud poker, or community card poker (a.k.a. "widow games"); miscellaneous poker games exist as well. The most commonly played games in these categories are five-card draw, seven-card stud, and Texas hold 'em, respectively; each being a common starting point for learning games of the type.
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price.Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
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