Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Domains for sale: RFblog.com, NursingBlogger.com, and BloggingFinance.com
Feel free to email blogdomains@gmail.com if you have any interest.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Domains Sold This Week
Monday, October 16, 2006
Blog Domains For Sale - blogdomains@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Control All Your Domains From One Dashboard
read more | digg story
BEWARE! Who swiped my domain name?
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Free SEO Friendly & Family Friendly Link Directory by GimmeMyDomains.com
* Family Friendly
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* Page Rank Display
* No Recip Link Required
* Most links posted within 12 hours
* On Vilesilencer's SEO friendly directories list
* No adult, spam, or warez submissions will be accepted
read more | digg story
Blog Domains for Sale - Most Comprehensive List on Internet
Monday, September 04, 2006
Blogging Domain Sold: http://www.BloggingMLM.com
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Latest Blog Domains Sold!

Blog Domain Sold this Week:
Contact: blogdomains@gmail.com for information on other blog-related domains currently for sale.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Blogging Domain for Sale: http://www.ChocolateBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale:
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com.
Only minimum bids exceeding $15 are accepted.
Blogging Domain for Sale: http://www.CollegeFootballBlogger.com
Blogging Domains For Sale
Please email all bids/inquires to:
Only minimum bids exceeding $15 are accepted.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Blog Domains for Sale: http://www.HeartHealthyBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale:
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: heart healthy, blog domain, health blog
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Blog Domain Sold: http://www.BlogRocknRoll.com

Sold this week:
Plenty more blog domains to choose from - email me with questions:
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Blog Domains for Sale: http://www.CivilWarBlogger.com

Blogging Domain For Sale
Buy Now Price: $35
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com.
technorati tags: Blogging, Civil War, Union States, Confederates
Friday, June 30, 2006
Domain Sold this Week: http://www.PokerTableBlog.com

Blog Domain Sold: (06/30/06)
Contact: blogdomains@gmail.com for information on other blog-related domains currently for sale.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Blogging Domain For Sale: http://www.MaskedBlogger.com

Blogging Domain For Sale
Buy Now Price: $25
Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final. Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com.
technorati tags: Blogging, Masked Blogger, Blogging Anonymously
Blog Domain For Sale: http://www.VaticanBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Buy Now Price: $25
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final. Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Catholicism, Catholic Church, Vatican, Pope
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Blogging Domain for Sale: http://www.Teen-Blogger.com
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Blog Domain Sold This Week: http://www.BlogRN.com

The Doughmain Blogger sold one domain this week: www.BlogRN.com ($350).
Although previously mentioned as being in "sale pending" status, www.BlogJFK.com is back on the market. If interested, please send an email to blogdomains@gmail.com
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.NursingBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Category: Health Care> Medicine > RN > Registered Nurse > Nurse > Nursing
Bidding opens at: $50
Doughmain: http://www.NursingBlogger.com
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: doughmain@gmail.com
technorati tags: Nursing, RN, Nurse Blog
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.agentmobile.com
Bidding opens at: $150
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Tags: mobile phone telecommunications cellular network base stations (cell sites) satellite phones 1G 0G Mobile Telephone Service car phones telephone SMS packet switching Internet MMS Alcatel, Audiovox, BenQ-Siemens, Dopod, Fujitsu, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Panasonic Philips, Sagem, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, SK Teletech, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Professional Mobile Radio cordless telephones MTS cellular network
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.UMusicBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $75
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Music is a human activity which involves structured and audible sounds, which is used for artistic or aesthetic, entertainment, or ceremonial purposes. Definitions vary in different cultures and social milieus.The definition of music as sound with particular characteristics is taken as a given by psychoacoustics, and is a common in musicology and performance. There are observable patterns to what is broadly labeled music, and while there are understandable cultural variations, the properties of music are the properties of sound as perceived and processed by humans.Greek philosophers and medieval theorists defined music as tones ordered horizontally (as melodies) and vertically (as harmonies). Music theory, within this realm, is studied with the presupposition that music is orderly and often pleasant to hear. However, in the 20th century, composers challenged the notion that music had to be pleasant by creating music that explored harsher, darker timbres.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Blogging Domain For Sale: http://www.BloggingLegal.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $250
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Technorati Tags: Legal System, Blogging Attorney, Blogging LegalThursday, May 18, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.BloggingFinance.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Category: Money > Wall Street > Business > Banking > Investments > Finance
Bidding opens at: $225
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: Finance money assets business entity financial intermediary bank bond market interest personal finance public finance corporate finance
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.BlogMale.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $500
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: Male, Men, Man, Blogging Men, Blogging Male, Manhood
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.CarBloggers.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $250
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: Cars, race cars, antique cars, vintage cars, automobiles, nascar
Monday, May 15, 2006
Blogging Domains Fors Sale: http://www.RFBlog.com
Category: Radio Frequency > Engineer > RF Engineer > Wireless > RF
Bidding opens at: $250
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: RF Engineer, Wireless Blogs, RF Blog
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Blogging Domain For Sale: http://www.footballsblog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $300
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: football, football blogs, football blogger, nfl, ncaa football, college football, fantasy football
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.SoccersBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $350
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: Soccer, Soccer Blogger, World Cup 2006, Football Soccer
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.BlogRumor.com

Bidding opens at: $100
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price.Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: Blog Rumor, Rumors, Gossip
Friday, May 12, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.dow-jones.blog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $100
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
tags: DJIA, stock market, Dow Jones, U.S. Market Index
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.blogginglegal.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Technorati Tags: Legal System > Law > Lawyer > Attorney > Blogging Legal
Bidding opens at: $200
Doughmain: http://www.blogginglegal.com
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.BlogRN.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Category: Employment > Staffing > Healthcare > Nursing > Registered Nurse > RN
Bidding opens at: $250
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids and/or inquiries to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Registered Nurses are professional nurses who often supervise the tasks performed by Licensed Practical Nurses, orderlies, medical assistants and nursing assistants. They provide direct care and make decisions regarding plans of care for individuals and groups of healthy, ill and injured people.Some nurses may have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, which makes specialising in fields such as psychiatry (psychiatric nurse) or anaesthesiology more feasible, but in many states the Associate of Science in Nursing is the entry-level degree for those entering the profession. Regardless of degree, they have many hours of clinical experience.Much research has shown that RNs are the first-line defense of hospitalized patients against disability or death from infection, cardiopulmonary arrest, and other serious complications. Higher ratios of Registered Nurses to patients has been shown to decrease certain complications of illness including death in patients.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Blog-Related Domains: Will They Sell or Smell?

Muchas gracias to the BlogHerald.
Thanks, Matt, for allowing me to do a guest post today about my site (Blog Domains For Sale).
Clink link to see the complete post: Blog-Related Domains: Will They Sell, or Smell?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.SHRMblog.org

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $300
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Human Resources, SHRM, HR, Blog
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.SHRMblog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $300
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Human Resources, SHRM, HR, Blog
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.QualcommBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $250
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Qualcomm Stadium, Qualcomm, Blog
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.BellagioBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $225
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Las Vegas, Hotel, Bellagio, Blog
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.LibertyMutualBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $125
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Liberty Mutual, Insurance, Life Insurance, Blog
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.PrudentialBlog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $100
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: Prudential, Insurance, Life Insurance
Blogging Domains for Sale: http://www.StarbucksBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $175
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
technorati tags: starbucks, coffee, latte, coffee blogging,
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.GYNblog.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $150
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Technorati tags: gynecology, obstetrics, baby doctor, gyn, pap smear, gynecologist
Monday, May 01, 2006
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.NikeBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $100
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Tags: shoe sporting dress shoes casual footwear running basketball tennis football (soccer) rugby soles Keds endorsed athletes celebrities Nike, Adidas, PUMA, Reebok, Converse and Fila.
Domains sold this week: AflacBlog.com and AflacBlogger.com

The Doughmain Blogger has sold two domains this week:
www.AflacBlog.com: $200
www.AflacBlogger.com: $100
Three other domains are currently in pending status:
www.DormBloggers.com, www.DormitoryBloggers.com, and www.BlogJFK.com.
We've got a lot of domains remaining in the inventory, so please feel to inquire within: BlogDomains@gmail.com
tags: blog domains, domains for sale, blogging domains
Last Week's Top 20 Reported Domain Names Sales
Here's a quick excerpt from the post:
"It was another stellar week for the domain name aftermarket as a whole plethora of five-figure domain name sales were reported, thirteen in total to be exact. Duet.com topped the chart this week after being sold by way of Sedo, the world's leading domain marketplace. Hyphenated domain, Music-Videos.com, surprisingly captured the number two spot this week at $25,000 after being sold at Afternic. As of late, hyphenated domains have been fairly hot with several reported five-figure sales this year alone. Brandable traffic domain, Trion.com, was snapped up for $18,750 to round out the top three reported sales of the week.Top 20 Reported Domain Names Sales."
1. Duet.com - $40,000
2. Music-Videos.com - $25,000
3. Trion.com - $18,750 (Expired Domain Name)
4. EveryVideoGame.com - $15,000
5. TrueLocal.co.uk - £8,000 = $14,254
6. Resto.ca - $11,611 (Expired Domain Name)
7. SpecialOrder.com - $11,555 (Expired Domain Name)
8. Stoff.de - €9,000 = $11,185 (translates to stuff from German)
9. BeanBabies.com - $11,100 (Expired Domain Name)
10. US3000.com - $11,000
11. Dimples.com - $10,888 (Expired Domain Name)
12. CallNow.com - $10,002 (Expired Domain Name)
13. NewsBackup.com - $10,000
14. MaternityShop.com - $9,988 (Expired Domain Name)
15. Relationship.net - $9,300 (Expired Domain Name)
16. Newsprint.com - $9,088 (Expired Domain Name)
17. BodybuildingEquipment.com - $8,988 (Expired Domain Name)
18. Forums.co.uk - $9,860 £5,000 = $8,908
19. HomeImprovement.net - $8,733 (Expired Domain Name)
20. TeletexHolidays.co.uk - $7,900
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What’s In A "Domain" Name? Ask Max Barry
Max Barry, in his post titled, I, Nerd, actually crosses the line of reason when faced with the task of naming his next child. His question? "I wonder if the domain name is available?"
I must confess, Max, that if I'd have been deeper in to this 'domain-thing' 12 years ago when we started bringing baby-Smith's in to the world, I too might have stooped to such extremes. But since we have 5 children, it's probably a good thing we weren't so domain-savvy. I fear we'd have children named the likes of Blogfor Money Smith, and Blogging Stocks Smith.
Sure, both domains are taken today, but 12 years ago?
Max, maybe you aren't so crazy after all.
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.FinalFourBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $50
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
The NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship is held each spring featuring 65 college basketball teams in the United States. The 20-day tournament, colloquially known as "March Madness" or the Big Dance, has become one of the United States' most prominent sports events.
The tournament, whose field includes regional conference champions and other top teams, is staged in a single elimination format. Since its 1939 inception, it has built a legacy that includes dynasty teams and dramatic underdog stories. In recent years, friendly wagering on the event has become something of a national pastime, spawning countless "office pools" that attract expert fans and novices alike. All games of the tournament are broadcast on the CBS broadcast television network in the United States.
The tournament bracket is made up of champions from each Division I conference, which receive automatic bids. The remaining slots are at-large berths, with teams chosen by an NCAA selection committee. The selection process and tournament seedings are based on several factors, including team rankings, win-loss records and RPI data.
The two lowest-seeded teams (typically teams with poor records that qualified by winning their conference tournament championships) play a pre-tournament game to determine which will advance into the first round of the tournament, with the winner advancing to play the top seed in one of the four regions. This play-in game was added in 2001 and has been played in Dayton, Ohio each subsequent year.
A Most Outstanding Player honor is awarded by the Associated Press at the end of each tournament.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Blog related domains are ... HOT
Read Domain Radar's article here
tags: domains, blog domains
The Search for a Domain Name
Forbes did a lot of research and has some interesting thoughts about domains and the 50+ million registered .COM names.
AOL Launches BloggingStocks.com!

Yep, my thoughts exactly.
AOL just launched BloggingStocks.com, and by doing so, confirmed what I've been saying all along.
Blog-related domains have value.
Which is also why I put BloggingFinance.com up for sale.
Get the entire article at Blogger's Blog.
Blogging Domains For Sale: http://www.PrincetonBlogger.com

Blogging Domains For Sale
Bidding opens at: $50
Bidding will ensue in auction-fashion and will remain open until buyer & seller agree on a final price. Should you wish to make a "Buy Now" bid, please indicate in your email that your price is final.
Please email all bids/inquires to: blogdomains@gmail.com
Princeton University is a coeducational private university located on an extensive campus in and around suburban Princeton, New Jersey. It is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States and one of the eight Ivy League universities.[1] Originally founded at Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, it was relocated to Princeton in 1756 and renamed "Princeton University" in 1896.
Princeton is primarily focused on undergraduate education and academic research, although the university also offers some professional Master's degrees and PhD programs in a range of subjects. Princeton's focus on undergraduate education is unusual among leading research universities.[2] At over eleven million volumes, its library is among the world's largest university libraries. Primary areas of research include anthropology, geophysics, entomology, and robotics, while the Forrestal Campus has special facilities for the study of plasma physics and meteorology.
Originally a Presbyterian institution, Princeton is now non-sectarian and makes no religious demands on its students.[3]The university has ties with Princeton Theological Seminary and the Westminster Choir College of Rider University.[4]